With the political, social, educational, and artistic goals for Jenny Waldo’s debut feature film, instead of traditional investors, we are raising production funds through our fiscal sponsor, From the Heart Productions (Tax ID Number 95 444 5418), making your charitable donation tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed. The 501c3 From the Heart Productions was itself established in the early 90s and is dedicated to helping independent filmmakers with unique films that contribute to society get their films funded. There is nothing more “from the heart” than Acid Test.

Based on our award-winning short film that is still screening in festivals nationwide, the feature film Acid Test follows Jenny as she turns 18 and grapples with what it means to be an adult in the early 90’s. Steeped in the aesthetic of punk music, we watch Jenny discover a new aggressively feminist perspective inspired by the Riot Grrrl – girls in punk – movement. Along the way, she experiments with LSD and begins to question all of the rules and truths she’s lived by her whole life. Set against the backdrop of the 1992 Presidential Election and themes of civic engagement, Jenny launches a rebellion against her family, against the patriarchy her father represents, and tumbles into a new sense of self.
The feature film is an activist film. With a female lead of Mexican descent, our story showcases much-needed diversity on screen as part of a need in the film industry and film market for more diverse content. We are also showcasing that diversity behind the camera: as a female writer director, it is vital to me to be part of the changes needed in my industry in hiring women and people of color in crew positions.
Please join me in rebellion by becoming Acid Test’s Donor. Your help is needed to spread the word and be part of the change in the film industry we all want to see!
Here’s the scoop:
Shooting in June
$50,000 by March 15th needed to get through production
Total $75,000 to finish
Juliana DeStefano (Jenny) & Mia Ruiz (Camelia) reprising their roles!
Producers Molly Vernon, Anna Tran & Eddie Rodriguez
Barry Coffing as Music Supervisor!
Lead Singer Miriam from Giant Kitty coordinating bands
I’m looking forward to the opportunity to explore my artistic voice while also showcasing the amazingly talented cast and crew Houston has to offer. I’m partnering with Houston Community College (HCC) where I teach filmmaking full-time to help develop and train that talent pool by offering students the opportunity to train on our feature film set to gain valuable professional experience while also earning credits toward their degrees.
In order to maximize your tax deduction and our fundraising efforts, we are looking for contributions in the $500, $1,000, $5,000, and $10,000 level.
Donations over $1,000 will receive an Associate Producer credit and will be invited to the friends and family screening and receive a secret link to the film while it’s in festival submission. We are following Producer’s Guild of America guidelines for Executive Producer credit, and awarding that to donors who give at least $25,000. Of course ANY amount is much appreciated! Donations over $50 will receive the final film after festivals.

Please look into whether your company participates in a matching grant program. Large corporations and even smaller companies will often match an employee’s donation to a 501c3 100% or sometimes even 200%!
We are also looking for in-kind donations as well – food, locations, equipment, artwork, music, airlines miles – to help defray our filmmaking costs.
For donations by check, please make them out to “From the Heart Productions” with “Acid Test” in the MEMO LINE and mail to:
1455 Mandalay Beach Road, Oxnard, CA 93035
Their phone number in case you need to reach them is 805-984-0098.
In order to prepare to shoot in June, financial donations need to be made before March 15th.
You can also donate via credit card on our From the Heart fundraising page.
Please help spread the word! Share on social media! Here’s a suggested post:
Join the rebellion and support activist filmmaking by making a tax-deductible donation to the debut feature film by female writer/director Jenny Waldo: Acid Test! https://bit.ly/2BJzLHW #femalefilmmakerfriday #diversityinfilm
Facebook Tags: @jennifer.waldo.7 @acidtestshortfilm @fromtheheartprods
Twitter Tags: @jennywaldo @acidtestfilm @fromtheheartprd
Instagram Tags: @jennywaldo @fromtheheartproductions
There’s a moment in the script where Jenny sees a poster for Oberlin College that shows the Earth from space and the tagline “Think one person can change the world? So do we.” It’s a moment from my own life that led me to go to Oberlin and a mantra I’ve held in my life since graduating. In some small way, the making of Acid Test is part of changing the film production world, and it is my hope and belief that the finished movie will have an impact of social change once it reaches its audience.
I look forward to your partnership!
Thank you.